Friday, January 1, 2016

Samuel Durbin Jr Will - 1807

Samuel Durbin Jr. (1727-1807)
Son of Samuel Durbin (1698-1752)

Below is Samuel Jr.'s Last Will and Testament:

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(Click to Enlarge)


"The last Will & Testament of me Samuel Durbin of Allegany County Stateof Maryland.  
Imprimis.  I bequeath my body to the ground from whence it sprung to be interred in a Xtain & decent manner in hope of its resurrection through the merits of my redeemer Jesus Christ. 

2nd I give unto my son Isaac Durbin on two year old heifer which has always been claimed by him as his own property.

Lastly giving bequeath unto my wife Comfort Durbin the residue of my estate whatever the same may be after paying any debts I may owe and paying my funeral expenses.  I do hereby constitute my said wife executor of this my will as witness my hand & seal this 6th day of March 1807. 

Samuel Durbin

Signed, sealed, & pronounced in the presence of us as the last will of Samuel Durbin.  Subscribed as witnesses thereto in his as well as in the presence of each other on the 6th day of March 1807 by us.

Jonathan Arnold
Archibald Arnold

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