Friday, January 1, 2016

Benjamin Durbin Will - 1813

Benjamin Durbin (1748-1813)
Son of Samuel Durbin (1698-1752)
Brother of Thomas Durbin (1732-1810)

(Click to Enlarge)


In the name of God Amen I Benjamin Durbin of Frederick County and State of Maryland do make, ordain, and declare this Testament to be my last will and Testament revoking all others.  I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God.  After my debts and funeral charges are paid I desire and bequeath as follows.

Item I desire and bequeath all my real and personal estate to my beloved wife Susana Durbin for and during her lifetime.

Item I give and bequeath my four daughters Comfort, Margaret, Rebecca, & Catherine one chest, on cow & one sheep with all of their quilts each of them may own and to take choice as to the cow and sheep when either of them gets married providing it is before their mothers death.  If after her death they take choice in rotation as their names is mentioned.

Item I give and bequeath my daughter Margaret her loom with everything belonging to the loom.

Item I give and bequeath unto my five grandchildren Joseph, Margaret, Mary & Susanna Arnold **** and Benjamin Fowler two pounds ten shillings to be paid to the four first and five pounds to the two last (that is fifty shillings to each of them).

Item I request after my wifes death that my executors will sell all my real & personal property at public sale and to make a good and lawful deed of conveyance to the purchaser and divide the money equally amongst my **** children **** Ellen & Nancy Matting Comfort Margaret Rebecca & Catherine Durbin or their heirs.

And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint

[Still need to locate the next page online]

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